Till next time, Oklahoma

When Joshua Boydston and I launched Oxford Karma back in January, we strived to create a site that was in touch with you, the modern Oklahoman, doubling down on the Sooner State’s burgeoning arts and entertainment offerings while providing a new and necessary voice. We aspired to meet that benchmark to the best of our abilities, and the interest and appreciation we received in return far exceeded our expectations. But, as a certain Beatle once famously said, all things must pass, and today we close our doors after seven successful months of reporting, musing, and party-throwing. To everyone who came to Endless Summer on Saturday, thank you so much. We couldn’t have asked for a better send-off.

We took a significant risk when we conceived this site, and the bitter realities of a highly competitive yet relatively obstinate market ultimately got the best of it. But no matter how abrupt the ending, we’re retiring Oxford Karma without a single regret. In fact, I honestly couldn’t be prouder of what we built. There is and will always be a fervent demand for alternative arts coverage in Oklahoma, and while we had our share of highs and lows, we filled that void as best we could. Hopefully this growing contingent of young, progressive-minded people will continue to be represented in the local community, because there’s a special place for them. We’re confident that it will.

I’d like to thank all of our wonderful contributors: Joshua Boydston, Daniel Bokemper, Emily Hopkins, Caitlin Turner, Emilye Lewin, Larry Laneer, Kara Shae, Torrance Wordsman, Paige Willet Lough, Rod Lott, Phil Bacharach, Adam Benson, Nathan Winfrey, Gray Thomas, Kim Hickerson, RJ Young, Ryan Drake, Beau Blackstock, Kellen McGugan, Dillon Phillips, Rachel Wright, Rob Vera, Marisa Mohi, Chris Harris, Jenn Scott, Brian Ted Jones, and Jezy J. Gray. You were the indispensable lifeblood of Oxford Karma, and Oklahoma is incredibly fortunate to have such talented writers providing thoughtful, informed, and engaging content.

Most importantly, I’d like to thank you, our readers, for joining us on this weird, wild ride and giving this thing a snowball’s chance. Without you, this never would have happened at all. It’s cliché, for sure, but it is absolutely imperative that you continue to support local music, art, business, and all that other stuff as much as you possibly can, because the struggle to harvest a community without the benefit of large-market resources is real and ongoing. Oklahoma is undoubtedly trending upward in that regard, and we’re grateful to have at least played a small part in that, but the future creative welfare of this state is ultimately in the hands of you, the individual. Support it. Be a part of it. Read about it. But most importantly, care about it.

Till next time, Oklahoma. You’re pretty OK.